My Weight Loss and Quit Smoking Journey 2007

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Feb. 2007

Hello! My name is Eileen and welcome to my homepage! I am a 40 year old married mom of 4 kids. For the new year I have decided to lose weight, get exercise and quit smoking. Yes, it will be hard to try to do all three of those things but I am now at week 3 without a cigarette and have lost 6 lbs. So I have a pretty good start!  How I am pulling it off is beyond me, a force greater than I is in charge I believe.  Having this website will also give me incentive since people will be checking in to see my progress! That will give me the push I need! I have purchased a charm bracelet to wear as a constant reminder of my milestones. I got that excellent idea from this website:, her journey is an inspiration to me! My 1st charms for the beginning of my journey is the word "Faith" and a noose. The noose symbolizes the choking that smoking cigarettes was doing to me. As I go on, I will add more charms. I am excited to start this journey! I will update often and hope you come back to check out my progress! Nice to meet you!


You can also come to "myspace" to check out more pics, etc. Here is the address:

April 10, 2007- 10pm My last cigarette AGAIN. I am starting a new quit. This is getting pretty OLD! I had quit for 86 days, smoked for 11 and now am starting a new quit. I started smoking again because of drinking but thats not the only reason, I was sick of fighting my mind, I felt deprived. Then the kids were off from school for spring break and my schedule was broken which made it very easy to slip back into smoking. But I didnt feel right smoking, I felt like it was so wrong after 86 days quit. I did feel relief after eating, talking on the phone or driving and being able to light up, that felt great not having to fight myself! But I had a headache every day, I became lethargic, I had the guilt and still the embarrassment that comes with smoking. I got a head cold and felt horrible and had to run out for a pack! Was I nuts? What the hell was I doing? Back to being a slave! I decided thats it! I have to get back and I do feel like I have a head start since I only smoked 11 days. I am wearing a patch for now until I feel safe enough to try it without it. Better safe than sorry. Just a couple days then I will do without it. I feel okay but this sore throat and head cold is helping me NOT want to smoke. I wonder when I feel better if the fighting will come back! Im sure it will and I am preparing. I am taking it one day at a time. I will not drink. I am not thinking about the future. One of these quits HAS to stick! And a note about my charm bracelet, as you may have read I have the "life preserver" charm and it FELL OFF during the 11 days I was smoking! Is that a sign or what? I was no longer preserving my life! Weird. Also a note about my diet, that also started to wane. After smoking, I kinda felt lost about everything and just started snacking on anything. I have gained 5 lbs.! I will get back on track with that also. This has been a rough 2 weeks and I really need to get back to feeling good. Once this cold goes away, I will take charge full blast! Pray for me! Will write again soon!

April 14, 2007 2nd quit is over, I do not have the inspiration at the moment, this is very hard, I will try again at a later date. Hope others are doing better than me!


July 2006~255 lbs. How I look is more shocking to me than being puked on by my 2 year old!

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